Each level within a role has a set of expectations which should be achieved before the staff member can progress. This sounds all very transparent and should facilitate easy goal setting discussions within teams. However, as with many processes that involve HR and potentially employment law aspects the expectations are so overly worded that serious review sessions (such as those with trainees) need a pre-review review to establish what they all mean!
Given that most trainees will have a review process, even if it is not so bureaucratic as ours, I thought I would explain some of the more obscure terms that came up in my review (N.B: not to be taken seriously)
1. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of managing time
All tasks must be done yesterday or earlier and understand this must be achieved within normal working hours. Requires an appreciation of the impossible and also some mind reading ability. Do not base your time keeping on that of your superiors.
2. Demonstrate professional behaviour and represent the Firm appropriately
3. Show willingness to help others and put in extra effort
Stay in the office as long as someone has something for you to do, even if it is helping the cleaners.
4. Display an ability to question findings
but not the findings of your superiors, colleagues or anyone better than you. Only your own. Especially when you are wrong (even if you are not).
5. Gain an understanding of client culture
Make sure you spot the dodgy ones and take them out for client meetings
Coupled with these gems are a speckling of expectations that I'm surprised the Firm considers it necessary to include:
6. Produce work that is easy to review (how could it be difficult to review?!)
7. Complete simple research (instead leaving it unfinished?)
8. Display knowledge (in graph format or would you prefer a presentation?)
9. Prompt timekeeping and good attendance (................................are we at school?)
10. Demonstrate an understanding of why you are carrying out work (??!?!?!)
If I am honest, the feed back in my first 3 months review was that I had ticked most of these boxes already. Not surprising really, given the height of the hoops - I hope this isn't the criteria my Firm chooses trainees!
Finally - the one that surely no-one can reach - Understand what is expected of you and confirm this with others....................................
Thanks for your helpful information. and we want more.